Song and Lyric Marketing and Reviews
I am always excited to meet you, my new, talented clients who send me your work for song and lyric evaluations. I refer to this as a song consultation.
Listening to a body of your work, and reading carefully through your lyrics several times, I get a real sense of who you are, and what you can contribute to the literature of music that nobody else can, since nobody else is exactly like you.
If you send ten songs for consultation and nine of them are awesome, but the tenth isn’t quite there yet, I will go through it syllable by syllable, note by note, offering suggestions of how to revise that song ever so slightly in order for it to be as strong and competitive as the best songs/lyrics out there. That is all included in my song critique consulting fee.
Most folks claiming to do song and lyric evaluations send you a quickie checklist, if that. But not me. I go through every detail of every song myself – I don’t staff it out – and I make careful, detailed notes on every syllable of lyric and every note of music and how the two parts of your songs blend together.
If your work is a good fit for the current marketplace, I’m happy to hook you up with everyone I know looking for great songs in your genre. That, too, is included in my song critique consulting fee.
When doing song and lyric evaluations, I look for your heart, your guts, your fingerprint. My colleagues on the other side of the desk, who’ve been placing our clients’ songs in movies, TV, on CD’s and in commercials for years and years, look for that, too.
Leikin’s law is give ‘em what they want.
The best part of my job doing song critiques and lyric evaluations is matching lyricists and composers. It’s very exciting to watch a writing team click!
There are two ways to submit your work to me for song and lyric evaluations.
a. Using PayPal/Venmo.
If you write words (lyrics) only, using PayPal or Venmo at the link below, please take care of the transaction. As soon as we’re notified it is complete, my assistant will invite you to email your work in mp3 format to me for consultation. Please send each lyric in a separate email, not as an attachment, but in the body of your message, along with your questions and your full legal name, address, phone number and email address. My professional fee is determined by the number of songs you send.
b. If you write words and music, after paying for your consultation using PayPal/Venmo at the link below, my assistant will invite you to send each of your songs to us as a separate mp3, with the lyrics and your questions, your full legal name, address, phone number and email address, in the body of each message, not as an attachment. My professional fee is determined by the number of songs you send.
1c. If you write music only, after paying for your consultation using PayPal or Venmo, my assistant will invite you to send each of your melodies to me as a separate mp3, with your questions, full legal name, address, phone number and email address in the body of each email, not as an attachment. My professional fee is determined by the number of songs you send.
2. Sending a CD and/or lyrics by mail/UPS/FedEx etc.
2a. If you write words (lyrics) only, please send each on a separate lyric sheet, along with your questions and your full legal name, address, phone number and email address, and your check/money order in US funds only, payable to:
Molly-Ann Leikin
Songwriting Consultants, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3477
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
My professional fee is determined by the number of songs you send. See link below:
2b. If you write words and music, please send me your CD with a separate lyric sheet for each song, along with your full legal name, address, phone number and email address, plus your check/money order, in US funds only, payable to:
Molly-Ann Leikin
Songwriting Consultants, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3477
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
My professional fee is determined by the number of songs you send for review. See link below:
2c. If you write music only, please send me your CD, along with your full legal name, address, phone number and email address, plus your check/money order, in US funds only, payable to:
Molly-Ann Leikin
Songwriting Consultants, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3477
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
My professional song critique fee is determined by the number of songs you send. See my fees.
Please note:
A. I can only accept US funds.
B. If you want me to return your CD/lyrics, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough for your work to fit, and I’ll be glad to return your material to you. No SASE, no return.
C. For legal reasons, any material sent to me for review without my consulting fee, must, regrettably, be discarded immediately. Thank you for respecting the professional parameters of this consultancy.
I’m looking forward to doing song critiques, reviews and lyric evaluations with you.
Write well today. I’m in your corner all the way!
© 2025 Molly-Ann Leikin