Lyricists’ Bucket List

Have you always wanted to be a songwriter,

but your other career got in the way?

by Molly-Ann Leikin

There are legions of very talented people like you who are successful in their other careers, which got in the way of having time for you to write songs.

You are beyond bored doing the same old, same old, and have always, always wanted to become a real songwriter. 

Some of you have parts of lyrics hidden in locked drawers and are nervous about showing them to a real player in the music industry.

Sometimes, sadly, you go the cheapo route to one of those $199.00 scams online, and send your unfinished work to disreputable “studios” in Tennessee, which recycle the same melody a hundred times a day, and their singers can no longer carry a tune.

You end up with very disappointed, expensive coasters.

But then you contact me, realizing I’m the real deal, and off we go!

I’ve been happily surprised by how good your writing is, and how, with a strong, contemporary melody, it can often fit right into the current marketplace.

See, I believe if you’re successful at one thing, you can translate that success into another field.  Several of my most talented lyricist clients have been teachers, IT people, lawyers and doctors.

Some of your ideas are just plain brilliant. 

I can help you turn your beginnings into great finished songs.

Listen to some of the work I’ve co-written with new tunesmiths, right here

Then, let’s talk about your songwriting goals.   

Meanwhile, write well today.

I’m in your corner all the way.

© 2025 Molly-Ann Leikin


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